The biggest differences I can recall between criticism and encouragement has to do with what is planted within. Criticism generally has made me frustrated, angry, discouraged, and ultimately depressed. On a few occasions it temporarily instilled in me the will to ‘show’ the other person. This feeling quickly dissipated and was again replaced by a feeling of distress. Encouragement on the other hand has had a different life-changing quality about it – it inspired, motivated, and uplifted me. It took my mistakes and gave me energy and helped strengthen my resolve and determination to learn from those mistakes. It provided a framework for growth and in the process created respect and loyalty.
Dale Carnegie sums these experiences up nicely, ”I’ve yet to see a person who didn’t do better work under a spirit of encouragement than one of criticism.”
Every interaction in our lives happens only once. Each interaction gives us the chance to imprint something on our own lives as well as those we interact with. With every opportunity that arises I hope to provide the encouragement that so many others have given me in hopes that this will help them achieve great things in their life. If I do this, then I’ll have achieved one in mine.
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